Shamrock Shuffle Run! WattsUp team event!
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Shamrock Shuffle run! Whether you did the 10 mile run, 10k, 4 mile, or kids K, it was great seeing you all out there having a good time!
Great turnout from WattsUp members at the Shamrock Shuffle!
Awesome job to all the WattsUp participants who ran the Shamrock Shuffle Run on Sunday, March 12th, 2023! It was a hilly road run. Great running weather and everyone had a fun time!
WattsUp team Van sitting at the end of the rainbow!
James, Geoff, Sean, and Shawn at the race start, deciding how fast to run!
Racing with the mountains in the background!
Karl Smith awaiting the race start!
Sean and Geoff excited to start!
Shawn climbing up one of the many hills!
Karl having a great time!
Geoff making it look easy!
Sean having a fun morning run!
Ryan Mummert running up the hill!
James just cruising like it’s no big deal!
Running all the hills made for a tough race, but the WattsUp crew make running look easy!
Xavier running up the hill!
Shawn running up the hill!
Tom Garrity bringing it into the finish!
Mailani Neal bringing it into the finish
Jane Pilger running into the finish!
James and Xavier battling right up to the finish!
Congrats to everyone out there having a great time! Job well done!!
Finish line area
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
Congrats to Shawn Clark getting 3rd place Overall!
Great Sunday morning run!
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